


瑞訊銀行( trading帳戶 ) 2023年1月1日起執行的交易/帳戶管理費用調整

2023年1月1日起,Swissquote瑞訊銀行( trading帳戶 )的股票交易費用及託管帳戶費用依下列方案調整。加密資產投資將收取帳戶管理費。 (外匯帳戶MT4、MT5中股票類商品交易不受本費用調整的影響)


以下是自 2023 年 1 月 1 日開始適用的變更:

對於 CHF/EUR/USD (瑞士法郎/歐元/美元)的基礎貨幣,

一、股票和 ETF 交易費用:

1.1 金額在500 或以下的交易:
  • 瑞士和美國股票市場的費用從 9 降至 5;
  • 德國股票市場的費用從 25 降至 5 ;
  • 這不是全部,其他市場也有相應調整。
1.2 500.01 至 1'000 之間交易:
  • 瑞士、德國、美國股票市場交易費用將從 25 降至 10。
1.3 1'000.01 至 2'000 之間交易:
  • 在德國和美國股票市場上的交易費用將從 25 的費用減少到 20 的費用。


  • 0 - 50,000 瑞士法郎的資產,最低季度託管費從 15 瑞士法郎增加到 20 瑞士法郎;
  • 50'000.01 - 100'000 瑞士法郎的資產,季度託管費25瑞士法郎;
  • 100'000.01 - 150'000 瑞士法郎的資產,季度託管費37.5瑞士法郎;
  • 對於超過 150,000 瑞士法郎的資產,最高託管費仍限制在 50 瑞士法郎。
  • 對於超過 100 萬瑞士法郎的資產,每年收取 0.03% 的費用。

在 Swissquote 對加密資產保管進行投資之後,託管費用現在包括加密資產部位。


瑞士境內的付款將從 2 瑞士法郎/歐元減少到 0 瑞士法郎/歐元。


查看瑞訊銀行trading帳號的最新費用的網址如下:(自 2023 年 1 月 1 日起生效)





Dear Client,

To guarantee you the best experience, we are updating our trading fees. Our aim is to offer competitive trading fees across all our products and reduce transaction fees.

These are the changes applicable from the start of January 2023:

Our transaction fees on shares and ETFs will be reduced for trades of CHF/EUR/USD 500 or less, down from a fee of 9 to a fee of 5 on Swiss and US stock markets, and from 25 to 5 on the German stock market. And that’s not all. Transaction fees for trades of between CHF/EUR/USD 500.01 and 1’000 will go down from a fee of 25 to a fee of 10. On German and US stock markets, transaction fees for trades of between EUR/USD 1’000.01 and 2’000 will be reduced from a fee of 25 to a fee of 20.

Optimisation of our customer services is reflected in our minimum quarterly custody fee, which will increase from CHF 15 to CHF 20, while remaining limited to a maximum of CHF 50 for assets over CHF 150’000. For assets of more than CHF 1 million, a fee of 0.03% p.a. will be added to cover external safekeeping fees. Following Swissquote’s investment in crypto-asset safekeeping, our custodial fees now include crypto-asset positions.

Payments within Switzerland will be reduced from CHF/EUR 2 to CHF/EUR 0.

Please take careful note of these fee updates. Do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care Center for further information.

View our new fees (valid from 1 January 2023)


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